Qatar Airways is one of the leading airlines in the world, and has won multiple “Airline of the Year” awards. What sets them apart is their attention to detail and phenomenal customer experience, especially in the business class segment. We recruited Sandesh Sakat so he could help take our cleanliness standards to the next level. We sat down with him to understand more about his how he views his role in Cityflo:

1) First airlines, now buses. What prompted the switch?
They’re not too different. I found that the emphasis on comfort and in-bus experiences at Cityflo was similar to what is expected from good airline carriers. We exclusively run BharatBenz buses with air suspension fitted in nearly all of them. It’s in the details too. Before every trip, we make sure the arm-rests are in their upright positions, the seats recline as they should, and the driver area is spotless. No mobility company is doing that.
2) That’s nice, but do these standards really make a difference?
A big part of how airlines deliver enjoyable customer experiences is how clean the aircraft is when a customer first boards. It matters even more in buses because they have the reputation of being uncomfortable, dirty and crowded. Just like when customers step into an airline expecting the environment to be spotless, we want to make sure that when you choose Cityflo, a clean bus is what is expected, not unusual. We want to change this narrative.
3) Has cleanliness always been important to you?
The past 10 years have certainly shaped my standards of presentability and cleanliness. I believe good hygiene, both personal and external, makes us feel fresh, happy and light - all things are very important when starting off your day. In my work, if customers are able to get the same cleanliness they have in their homes, in the vehicle they are travelling in, it automatically puts them in a better state of mind. That’s the standard I set for myself.
4) What’s a small thing that makes a big difference?
Fragrance. Odours influence mood, work performance, and many other forms of behaviour via their associative powers. I can’t wait to bring a signature scent to our buses.
5) Last one. If you weren’t managing quality operations at a company, you’d be…
A painter or a sketcher. I paint whenever I get a chance. I particularly enjoy oil painting, although you’ll find me using colour pencils sometimes
Want a glimpse into how Sandesh ensures our fleet of buses are deep cleaned? Plug in those earphones and treat your ears and eyes to some great ASMR: